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Stateside: Say hello to's new American eye, Jeff Scott

148Apps founder on board the biz bus

Hello, I'm new around here. I'm Jeff Scott, founder of 148Apps.

You may have seen the news that 148Apps has joined the Steel Media team. I'll be contributing here at from time to time from sunny San Francisco and, as a result, it was suggested that I introduce myself.

I launched 148Apps in 2008 as a way to document my fascination with mobile, apps, and in particular the growth of Apple App Store and the app development community.

In these last four years I've had a chance to meet and talk with many of the most fascinating people in the industry.

App happy

I've also been tracking the growth and changes of the App Store as it has grown from 500 apps to nearly 700,000 apps.

This has given me a fairly unique view of the app store with a knowledge of both the data and the people involved. It has been and continues to be an amazing experience.

Also in most of that time I've worked with Steel Media in various ways. We developed a business relationship after 148Apps joined the iPhone Alliance. When that relationship worked very well, we talked about how we could work together in closer ways.

That turned out to be Steel Media acquiring 148Apps and bringing me in as the editor-in-chief of US sites. And that's how I got here.

I'll be weighing in here on regularly, so expect to see a few articles pop up devoid of all those extraneous 'u's you guys like to drop into words like 'color' and 'labor'. Also expect to see me continuing to follow and write about the growth of mobile marketplaces and developers from a US perspective.

If you see me out and about at an event in the US, please feel free to say hi, or if you're bound to your office desk, fire off an email to me instead at jeff.scott [at]