

Following the success of our Big Indie Pitches, we’re again bringing our even bigger and better version to the PG Connects schedule.

The Very Big Indie Pitch will be exactly what it says on the tin: a mammoth developer pitching competition open to all types of independent developers, wherever they are.

Who? What?

Kicking off with a preliminary round of submissions between April and June to identify the best talent (and allow overseas developers a chance to be shortlisted), we’ll then progress to the face-to-face pitch on Tuesday 7th July.

As usual this means gathering a host of leading mobile game journalists in one room, together with partner sponsors from the publishing and middleware sector, and then allowing the devs 4 minutes to pitch to each journalist table in a ‘speed dating’ style.

Once all the developers have pitched, the journos confer and pick the winners to help celebrate the best indie developers from across the world.

Profile and prizes

Aside from the chance to get their game in front of the leading media influencers and potential publisher partners, this VERY Big Indie Pitch will also reward the top developers with a share of a promotional prize package worth thousands of dollars.

Take Part

To pitch your game on the Very Big Indie Pitch, head over to the Pocket Gamer Business Network to register your game with us. We'll get in touch with you nearer the time to confirm whether you have received a place on the pitch.

How to get to The Very Big Indie Pitch @ PG Connects San Francisco