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Gamevil increases growth rate, breaks through 300 million download barrier

And that's before it unleashes new cash warchest
Gamevil increases growth rate, breaks through 300 million download barrier

The upwards rise of Korean publisher Gamevil (KDQ:063080) continues apace.

It's announced it's now hit 300 million downloads.

It was back in December 2012 that it announced 200 million downloads and March 2012 when it hit 100 million.

The second 100 million took 9 and a half months, while the third took seven months.

Faster, faster pussycat

The increased pace has been particularly driven by the Asian Android games market; notably social networks such as Kakao and Line.

And Gamevil is gearing up for more growth too.

It's announced a $80 million share rights issue to increase its available capital in terms of acquiring studios, publishing more games, and spending more on marketing.

In this regard, Gamevil is also placing its hopes on the new Gamevil Circle cross-promotion system, which is baked into all its games.

As the company's USA president Kyu Lee recently told us, "The ante has gone up to be a meaningful global publisher".