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GREE: More than 40% of our Android mobile revenue comes from just 2 devices

Alex Rosen reveals where to focus your QA
GREE: More than 40% of our Android mobile revenue comes from just 2 devices

Japanese social gaming giant GREE has revealed that more than 40 percent of all the revenue it takes on Android mobiles come from users using one of just two handsets.

That's according to numbers published by director of product management and business intelligence Alex Rosen, who conscious of the vast array of Android devices available globally suggests developers only need to test their games of a select number of handsets.

Rosen claims that, based on GREE's in-house numbers, 40.3 percent of all of the firm's mobile revenue on Android comes from either Samsungs Galaxy SIII or its predecessor, the SII.

Top of the pops

"Over the past year, we've seen tremendous growth in per-user monetisation metrics in Android titles at over 400 percent," detailed Rosen in a blog post.

"This trend has to do both with our specific game design improvements but we also believe is reflective of the market as well based on top grossing revenue/spot analysis. Basically, game revenue is growing on Google Play and it's growing fast."

As a result, Rosen suggested, GREE's data on the devices performing best from a revenue perspective could prove invaluable for developers with limited resources looking to focus their development and QA testing on as small a band of devices as possible.

The numbers

With phones generating 71.8 percent of Android revenue to the 12.4 percent amassed by tablets, it's little wonder therefore that mobiles dominate GREE's rundown of the top devices.

Indeed, just nine tablets feature in the list, with smartphones making up the seven of the top 10.

"The Android market can be tricky to navigate, but we're confident that the market opportunity will continue to grow quickly over the coming quarters and years," concluded Rosen.

"Developers can take advantage of this growth by continuing to invest in Google Play. When doing so, we suggest using this data to know where to focus.

"If you try to cover every device and every OS, you’ll spend all your time chasing down device specific issues. Instead, focus on the top devices and you can make the experience triple-A for these ones."

[source: Gamasutra]